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Hotels in Lassithi

Hotels in Lassithi



Offices in Attica

75 Galinou str - Piraeus

tel:  +30 210 4314133

tel:  +30 210 4323198


Offices in Crete

38  L. Soudas  str - Chania

tel:  +30 28210 88102

fax:  +30 28210 94091




All the hotels in Lassithi  offering accommodation in style, genuine hospitality and personal service to its loyal clientele and new friends. The most of the hotels  are classically furnished and equipped to international hotel standards. Lassithi hotels provide all the comforts of a modern luxury hotel, and with its friendly, atmosphere it promises a memorable holiday based in Chania town and the round area.



Hotels in Crete: Lassithi


Ferma ...more

Istron ...more

Lasythi ...more

Pitsidia ...more

Mohlos ...more

Milatos ...more




Offices in Attica

75 Galinou str - Piraeus

tel:  +30 210 4314133

tel:  +30 210 4323198


Offices in Crete

38  L. Soudas  str - Chania

tel:  +30 28210 88102

fax:  +30 28210 94091

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